Table of Contents

This release mostly focuses on various internal improvements and minor additions that exisited in some shape or form, and that are now polished enough for release. For example, it introduces a simple way of executing interactive rclone commands and uses that to finally fix OneDrive access.

On the side of visible changes, rcx will now automatically look for local storage locations when starting and add them as remotes. You can disable this in the settings. There’s also a few quality of life improvements, like the new remote properties dialog. Android will now display a settings shortcut ⚙️ when you go to the application info:

Changes in Google Play distribution

This release marks the end of the Google Play distribution alpha test. If you are currently in the alpha test, you can either switch to the new Beta channel or stay in the alpha channel. Unfortunately, Google does not provide an option to move you from the closed alpha channel to the open beta channel.

Future Alpha channel: You will receive all versions of rcx, including pre-release versions (currently only released as preview on GitHub).

Future Beta channel: You will receive release versions.

Release Example (🟢 changed, ⚪ like before)

Version Alpha Beta GH-Preview GH-Release
1.11.0 🟢
1.11.1 🟢
1.12.0-pre1 🟢
1.12.0 🟢

Switching from alpha to beta:

  1. Revoke your registration using the form and wait for a confirmation email.
  2. Subscribe to the beta channel.

Switching from beta to alpha:

  1. Revoke your beta channel participation.
  2. Register for the closed alpha using the form and wait for a confirmation email
  3. Confirm your alpha registration using the link in the email.

For our Google Play users it may take some time until you receive the update - Google has informed me that due to current events it may take up to 7 days to pass review.

Changes in 1.11.0

New functionality and enhancements

  • config
  • Google Photos config
  • Renaming remotes
  • DLNA serving
  • Automatically manage alias remotes for local drives
  • Show storage usage (rclone about)
  • Reauthorize OAuth remotes
  • Rclone 1.51.0
  • Settings shortcut
  • Android R support (preliminary)


  • OneDrive configuration 🌟
  • Streams now only start if available, otherwise fail loudly
  • Crash when opening file (callback/lifecycle mismatch)
  • Crash when starting app (callback/lifecycle mismatch)

Internal Changes

  • Java 8 and Stream support
  • Rclone source build
  • Improved logging
  • InteractiveRunner Framework 🌟
  • Moved strings to external resource for translation


Please enable bug reporting in Settings > Logging: “Send anonymous crash reports” (Privacy Policy).

You can also also create a bug report from About > Report a bug which will prefill a new Github issue with technical details like your Android version and CPU architecture. You can then add more information about the issue itself and create a public bug report.

– x0b